The Best Martial Arts Tactics For Street Self Defense

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The Best Martial Arts Tactics For Street Self Defense

The first thing would be eye contact with a piercing stare.

Next, comes the verbal challenge such as “What are you looking at? It is not uncommon for a chest bump to occur as the opponents close in on one another.

Naturally pushing and finger poking comes next.

|So then what? Perhaps a roundhouse punch?

Self Defense tactics will describe a specific type of model when it comes to violence and how it all plays out.

Some refer to it as the Monkey Dance.

The name derives from each person in the fight is a monkey.

Feeding into the contest, all control is lost within this game of dominance.

To stop it, during those initial steps you can avoid contact, you may use body language that is submissive, or you can even apologize.

Although those are options, let’s be honest in saying that for most men, backing down is very hard to do!

Pondering the origin of this ritual? Your ancestors of course!

Fact of the matter is that if they hadn’t participated they may not be here!

This situation can be put out and handled in a number of other ways.

Avoiding the situation all together can essentially eliminate the problem.

One particular tactic, referred to as the Big Dog, is when you keep calm and relaxed and play as though you are completely dominant.

You can also flat act out as though you are bored. Doing this will show confidence from within as well as status. Appearing nervous is not an option!

Within boredom itself you have two concepts; one being zanshin which is a Japanese concept and the “cool” concept of Americans.

With zanshin it is tied to ones experience and awareness.

Being bored with the situation comes from all the experience they have while with awareness, you need to remain alert. Being competent can create a calm and cool nature amongst people. Being both is what you want!

You can also always jump steps in the Monkey Dance if the situation allows for it.

For example, if no contact has been made yet and you go in for the attack, the opponent will without a doubt freeze up. This is because it will take him a moment to register what just occurred.

This must be used wisely because it may not always be justified!

Status is the main reason for the Monkey Dance. You don’t see someone challenging a child or someone who is not physical capable of fighting back because there is nothing to gain with this.

Lee Mainprize is a martial arts instructor and publisher of world class self defense and fighting systems. For anyone who is interested in martial arts for self defense these programs are a great series. Individuals of all ages can learn martial arts training in a short amount of time with great success.


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By | 2017-10-29T18:27:18+00:00 |Self Defense, Uncategorized|2 Comments

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  1. Mina August 20, 2011 at 11:52 am - Reply

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  2. Martial Arts August 28, 2011 at 2:47 am - Reply

    You’ve got great insights about martial arts, keep up the good work!

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