Who Is Lee Mainprize?
For the last 25 years my entire life has revolved around martial arts…
Many of the world’s top instructors have learned and
practice my unique approach.
I’m a 6th degree black belt. I’ve been featured in Men’s
Health, Budo International, Martial Arts Illustrated and many other publications.
Thats me on the front cover of a renowned magazine >>>>
“Lee Mainprize is a true fighter! One of the few who can actually do what many pretend they can do! His understanding of combat is without a doubt impressive to say the least! Lee is without question one of the all time greats!”
Bob Sykes – Editor Martial Arts Illustrated
After a decade of seeing students fail to achieve the results they wanted from Martial arts, I decided it was time for a change.
My unique approach to Martial arts makes training exciting, it dramatically shortens the learning curve, and thousands of students have experienced tremendous results.
The internet is full of fakers none more so than those that proclaim to teach real self defense, you’ll never see these guys put on a set of gloves and go at it…because they can’t they like to hide behind demonstration videos… so beware guys!